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Email marketing: tips & tricks for newsletter sender.

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In the process of marketing goods or company’s web-site via mailing list, be sure to understand what actions are permitted and what are not.

  • When using direct marketing via e-mail, you must ensure that the newsletter is delivered only to those customers who have given their consent, intentionally joining the mailing list.
  • You must be aware of the origin of the addresses in your mailing list, especially about how their consent for the newsletter was obtained.
  • Emailing is allowed exclusively to these adresses which owners have given their explicit consent.
  • The use of mailinglist, which is purchased, leased, obtained via web-site scan or by any other means is not allowed.
  • Unsubscription from the mailing list must be possible with one-click.
  • Special solutions such as MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, Mailbow, Sendsmaily etc are used to manage and use mailinglist.

PS! Zone mailing list is not intended for direct marketing and is meant for mailing within the company.

When choosing marketing provider, make sure in advance that the company is not listed in any international spammer database.


Updated on 31. Aug 2016
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