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  5. .EU domain authorization code and requesting it

.EU domain authorization code and requesting it

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The .EU domain authorisation code is required to change the domain name registrar or the owner of a domain name already registered with us. The .EU domain name authorisation code consists of 16 letters and a numbers separated by a dash and is in the following format: YYYY-AAAA-BBBB-CCCC.

There are three different ways to obtain the authorisation code:

My Zone control panel

If the domain owner’s contact email address is not in use for some reason, or the mailbox cannot be accessed, you can exchange the owner’s address for a valid one before ordering the code.

You can order the code in My Zone control panel on the service overview page, by clicking on the domain name.

In the next window, choose Change owner and click Send authorization code.

The authorisation code will be sent to the domain owner’s contact email address within 10-15 minutes.

My .EU end-user extranet

You can also order an authorisation code through the end-user extranet on the EURid website of the .EU domain registry: https://eurid.eu/en/my-eu/

Request for an emergency authorisation code on the EURid page

If you are not able to obtain an authorisation code from your current registrar or via the My .eu account, you can send an emergency authorisation code request to EURid. Instructions for filling in the form (under “Emergency authorisation code”) can be found there: https://eurid.eu/en/my-eu/


For domains registered in Zone, the contact information of the domain owner registered can be seen in My Zone control panel by clicking on the domain name in the “Services overview” page and then “Domain contacts”.
Domain contact information can also be obtained through the WHOIS database.
The authorisation code is valid for 40 days. When you order a new code, the old code will expire. The new code will therefore be valid for the next 40 days. If the new code is ordered 24 hours after the initial code was ordered, the code will remain unchanged. The authorisation code expires after use.


Updated on 22. May 2013
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